July 26, 2017 News No Comments

During a meeting on 6th july 2017 on which was presented the status, problems and additional steps in draft of a negotiating position for chapter 27, the enviroment and climate change, which was attended by the members of our NGO the following topics were discussed:

  1. Waste
    • Challenges in achievement of EU goals for reuse and recycling of packaging and communal waste
    • Responsobility of local authorities for the delay of construction of regional landfills? Expected transit period for fullfilment of conditions in the area of waste?
    • Involvement of OCD in the work of sectoral workng groups,specifically sector group for waste?
    • Mining waste – state and projections?
  2. Horizontal legislation
    • Implementation of european regulations wich are covered by Arhus convention, of stratetigic evalutation, and the evaluation of influence on the enviroment, integrated prevention of pollution
    • Foreseen deadlines for transponing new/changed directives in area of horizontal legislation and implementation plan,(capacities for implementation, advancement of cooperation and setting obligations to local self-goverments to inform on state of enviroment, rising capacites of key actors, regulating of collection and publication of data – who are the “expert and scientific institutions” which provide data etc.)
  3. Climate change
    • Estabishment of Natura 2000 in Serbia (specific plan of implementation, cooperation with OCD, financing, shadow list)
  4. Klimatske promene
    • About Paris agreement: further steps, when and how, involvement of OCD. Also we are interested what are the steps for developing an action plan and strategy. What is the position of our country in convergement of EU action plan for circular economy as an important element of application of Paris agreement, international and regional cooperation and modernisation of economy/ industry


Written by Zeleni Sad