The result of the project “Novi Sad Youth for the Advancement of Environmental Law” is a description of environmental pollution in the territory of the City of Novi Sad shown in the photographs through sanctions on individuals. Together with the students, we were able to show through photographs of environmental pollution how much an individual can be punished in the event of environmental pollution. In this way, we believe that we can influence the consciousness of every individual who consciously or unconsciously pollutes our common living space, the environment. Some of the photos that we add in the coming period will have more examples of pollution, which may not be clearly seen, but the point is to take a broader view of all the potential sanctions for environmental pollution.

Under the Law on Utilities, a fine of between 20,000 and 50,000 RSD will be imposed on an individual if he:

  • dispose of waste at places not designated for that purpose, or fail to comply with Article 34, paragraph 1, item 12) of this Law;
  • dispose of municipal waste at places not designated as registered municipal landfills, or fail to comply with Article 34, paragraph 1, item 15) of this Law;


Pursuant to the Decision on Utility Services, a natural person shall be fined for a misdemeanor from 5,000.00 to 75,000.00 RSD or a fine in the public interest for a period of 20 to 240 hours if: 

  • remove and prune trees (Article 49, paragraph 1, item 1),
  • drives, stops, leaves and washes the vehicle (Article 49, paragraph 1, item 9),

Pursuant to the Law on Public Utilities, a fine of between 20,000 and 50,000 RSD will be imposed on an individual if he:

  • dispose of waste and waste matter into watercourses and on the banks of watercourses, ie fails to act in accordance with Article 34, paragraph 1, item 17) of this Law;

The Water Act defines a fine of 20,000 to 50,000 RSD for a violation of an individual if:

  • to dig and dispose of material on embankments and other water bodies, grazing large livestock, hauling cut trees, crossing and driving a motor vehicle, except where permitted, and performing other operations that may compromise the stability of those facilities.



According to the Law on Waters, it is prohibited on water land:
  • dispose of solid waste and hazardous and noxious material
The Law on Waters defines that a fine of between 20,000 and 50,000 RSD will be imposed on an individual if he: 
  1. reservoirs with reservoirs and retention basins are not maintained and used in a manner that ensures the acceptance of flood waves
  2. uses an erosion zone contrary to prohibitions
  3. does not perform water quality testing, register water quantities, do not install devices and take no measures to ensure the technical correctness of the devices, do not inform the competent authorities about measurements of water quantity and quality
  4. does not equip wells and wells with free water leakage devices for regulating water leakage and protecting water from pollution
  5. breeds fish contrary to the provision of Article 87 of this Law;


The same Law defines a fine from 5,000 to 50,000 for the offense of an individual if he / she commits the following actions:


  1. the dam with reservoirs and retention basins is not maintained and used in a manner that ensures the acceptance of flood waves (Article 56, paragraph 1 of this Law);
  2. fails to submit the information referred to in Article 56, paragraph 2 of this Law;
  3. uses the erosion zone contrary to prohibitions and does not take the actions referred to in Article 62, paragraph 2 of this Law;
  4. does not undertake the works and measures referred to in Article 64 of this Law;
  5. does not respect the temporary restrictions on the right to special use of water in the cases provided for in Article 69 of this Law;
  6. uses water contrary to the provision of Article 71, paragraph 4 of this Law;
  7. does not protect the spring and other objects from deliberate or accidental pollution or other influences that may adversely affect the abundance of the spring and the health of the water (Article 73, paragraph 2);
  8. does not carry out water quality testing, register water quantities, do not install devices and do not take measures to ensure the technical correctness of the devices, do not inform the competent authorities about measurements of water quantity and quality (Article 74);
  9. does not measure the quantity and test the water quality and does not submit data to the competent authorities (Article 78, paragraphs 2 and 7);
  10. breeds fish contrary to the provision of Article 87 of this Law;
  11. uses reservoirs contrary to the provisions of Article 88, paragraph 2 of this Law;
  12. does not install devices for extraction of mineral waste oils, oil mixtures, waste waters and other waste materials from vessels (Article 102);
  13. as the owner or user of a part of the coast notices, but does not report to the competent authority that water pollution in the watercourse, lake or reservoir has occurred (Article 104);
  14. fails to obtain water conditions in accordance with Article 115 of this Law;




The Law on Forests prohibits the disposal of garbage, toxic substances and other hazardous waste in the forest, on forest land and at a distance of less than 200m from the forest edge, as well as the construction of facilities for storage, processing or destruction of garbage, toxic substances and other hazardous waste.
In accordance with the Law on Forests, a fine of between 10,000 and 100,000 RSD will be imposed on an individual if he:
  • in the forest, on forest land and at a distance of less than 200 m from the forest, dispose of garbage, toxic substances and other waste, as well as construction of facilities for their storage, processing or destruction (Article 49, paragraph 1); 
The same Law defines a fine of 10,000 to 100,000 RSD which will punish a natural person if:
  • performs or permits clear cutting of forests not planned as a regular form of forest regeneration (Article 9, paragraph 1, item 2); 


Forest conservation measures 

For the purpose of forest conservation, except as otherwise provided by this law, the following shall be prohibited:
  • clear logging not planned as a regular form of forest regeneration;



Criminal Law (“Official Gazette of RS”, Nos. 85/2005, 88/2005 – ed., 107/2005 – ed., 72/2009, 111/2009, 121/2012, 104/2013, 108/2014 and 94/2016 Article 269 Killing and Abandonment of Animals

Whoever, in violation of the regulations, kills, injures, tortures or otherwise abuses an animal, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.

If the act referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article resulted in the killing, torture or injury of a number of animals, or the act was committed in relation to an animal belonging to a specially protected animal species, the offender shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.

A natural person was fined 400,000 RSD for poisoning cranes (pictured) with an illicit pesticide.



Law on Utilities 

A fine of between 20,000 and 50,000 RSD will be imposed on an individual if he:

  1. disposes of waste at places not designated for this purpose, ie does not act in accordance with Article 34, paragraph 1, item 12) of this Law
  2. does not dispose of municipal waste into designated municipal containers, that is, does not act in accordance with Article 34 paragraph 1 item 14) of this Law 


The municipal or municipal utility inspector is authorized to:

  • prohibit by decision the disposal of waste at places not designated for that purpose
  • prohibit the decision to dispose of municipal waste outside designated municipal containers;


Decision on keeping the city of Novi Sad clean

A natural person shall be fined in the amount of RSD 8,000 if he:

  • throws paper and other waste away from vessels or otherwise creates impurity (Article 27, Item 1)

In order to maintain and protect cleanliness on the public surface, it is not allowed:

  1. throwing paper or other debris out of containers or otherwise creating dirt.



Forest Law 

A fine of 10,000 to 100,000 RSD shall be imposed on an individual for the offense if:

  • in the forest, on forest land and at a distance of less than 200 m from the forest, dispose of garbage, toxic substances and other waste, as well as construction of facilities for their storage, processing or destruction   


Waste disposal in the forest 

Article 49, Paragraph 1 

  • It is prohibited in the forest, on forest land and at a distance of less than 200m from the forest edge to dispose of garbage, toxic substances and other hazardous waste, as well as construction of facilities for storage, processing or destruction of garbage, toxic substances and other hazardous waste.