The NGO ZELENI SAD was founded on 19.08.2013. in Novi Sad. The association is a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit, indefinitely established organization, whose goal is to promote the protection, ecology and improvement of the environmental quality, for the concept of sustainable development, while educating young people in areas that would benefit them in future employment, raising awareness of nature conservation, organizing activities for the rehabilitation of endangered areas, as well as public advocacy for changing nature conservation habits, promoting a healthy life and preserving cultural heritage. It is our desire, that throught our activities and projects, we motivate young people to take the initiative to change their awareness of the environment, nature and relationships within it.
The focus of the activities will be to educate the youngest about environmental conservation, understanding of ecology, as well as education related to science. The team of the ZELENI SAD ecological association is represented by ecology students, at all levels of study. We are proud that there are PhD students among us who can best contribute to education in the field of science and, together with us, inform citizens about the current world affairs in various scientific fields. Knowledge is the key to success. Within the activities of the association, we strive to increase the level of information and knowledge, especially for young people, in order to keep up with current topics in the field of ecology and use our sources of information for our own ideas.